Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Puppy Sister

This book was written by S E Hinton.

There was a boy named Nick and a puppy named Leasha.

This book is about a boy named Nick who was allowed to get a puppy but he would rather have a little brother or sister. His mother decided that he was going to get a puppy. Nick was unhappy. Nick and his mother got the cat carrier and put it into the car. Off they went to the pet shop. When they got to the shop Nick chose a little brown puppy and he got to name it. Nick was thinking and thinking and thinking till finally he got it. "Mum can I name her Leasha?'' Let me think about that name for her. His mum decided yes you can name her that. They got Leasha and went to put her in the cat carrier and then into the car so they did. Nick sat next to leasha in the car so that she would not get scared in the car. Mum said let her lick your fingers Nick "NO" said Nick. Nicks mum said "Nick let her lick your finger" "OK fine but if she bites me then I wont play with her" Nick put his fingers in the cage and... she licked then. They had to stop for Leasha to do her business. They stopped for Leasha and put her leash on and took her out of the car. They went for a little run just then Leasha smelt this nice smell of a animal in a ditch Leasha and Nick where run towards the ditch when a little bunny jumped out Leasha got so excited. Leahsa was chasing the bunny to the road when Leasha was about to run across the road but nick pulled her back. Leasha and Nick had to go back in the car. When they got home Leasha was asleep so mum had to say wake up Leasha where home. Leasha woke up and she went to sleep in her bed it was night time. Leasha sulked so mum thew her one of Nicks old t-shirts then she was fine. Leasha smelt a nother animal smell in the house so she said to herself I will investigate in the morning. It was morning Leasha went to have a look. Leasha found this little grey and white fluffy thing. Leasha said "who are you and what are you" she said i am a cat. When Nick came in he shouted "mum Leasha I bothering Miss kitty."

That was the end of this story.

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